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Beginner Guitar
Songs, Chords, and Rhythm.
Beginner Electric Bass
Technique, Timing, and Common Patterns.
Beginner Double Bass
Technique, Intonation, Timing, and Common Patterns.
Beginner Music Theory
Basic Scales and Chords, Key Signatures, and Reading music.
Beginner Singing
Singing In Tune, Ear Training, and Resonating Chambers.
Beginner Lessons
1 hr $60
Intermediate Guitar
Solos, Finger-picking, and New Chord Shapes.
Intermediate Music Theory
Modes and other Scales, Composition, Arranging, and Sight-reading.
Intermediate Electric Bass
Slapping, Soloing, and Complex Patterns.
Intermediate Double Bass
Bowing, and Soloing.
Intermediate Lessons
1 hr $60
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